Massive Blaze Engulfs Tehran Refinery Just Hours After Sinking Of Iranian Warship

Terahn - twitter - EnergyNewsBeat

A major oil refinery in Tehran is now engulfed in a huge blaze just hours after on Wednesday morning the Islamic Republic’s largest warship caught fire and sank in the Gulf of Oman under mysterious circumstances.

Iranian state Tasnim news in a breaking report has identified it as the Shahid Tondguyan oil refinery, considered among the country’s largest.

Coincidence? Or are we now witnessing a return to the summer of 2020 which saw tit-for-tat sabotage attacks on oil tankers, military and nuclear sites involving Israel and Iran? 

The timing is also interesting given Iran and the West appear on the verge of completing a restored nuclear deal in Vienna, which means the US would drop sanctions and allow Iran to pursue ‘peaceful nuclear energy’ development. Israel has vowed to do everything to prevent such a deal which Tel Aviv sees as providing a path to nuclear weapons.

Multiple videos show a massive blaze in progress, billowing thick black smoke high over the Iranian capital…


Coincidence? Or are we now witnessing a return to the summer of 2020 which saw tit-for-tat sabotage attacks on oil tankers, military and nuclear sites involving Israel and Iran?

The timing is also interesting given Iran and the West appear on the verge of completing a restored nuclear deal in Vienna, which means the US would drop sanctions and allow Iran to pursue ‘peaceful nuclear energy’ development. Israel has vowed to do everything to prevent such a deal which Tel Aviv sees as providing a path to nuclear weapons.

Multiple videos show a massive blaze in progress, billowing thick black smoke high over the Iranian capital…


And more limited details are as follows: “The fire struck the state-owned Tondgooyan Petrochemical Co. to the south of Tehran on Wednesday night. Firefighters believe it struck a pipeline for liquefied petroleum gas at the facility. That’s according to a report on Iranian state television. Associated Press journalists in central Tehran, some 20 kilometers away, could see the black smoke rise in the distance.”

developing… – Source: Twitter/Zerohedge



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